
Baked potatoes with sour cream and caviar

Baked potatoes with sour cream and caviar

One of the simplest and tastiest combinations is with Iranian Beluga caviar, sour cream and oven-baked potatoes. In the following, the necessary ingredients and how to prepare this delicious appetizer are presented to you who are interested in caviar and food, with us and this recipe in the kitchen. Stay tuned CaviarShah LLC.

Sour cream, baked potato and caviar
pic from

*10 small potatoes
*Olive oil as needed

*Half a cup of sour cream

*100g beluga caviar
*a stalk of parsley (thin gold sheets)

*Salt as needed

Sour cream, baked potato and caviar1
pic from

How to prepare
First, wash your small potatoes well and then divide them into two halves, then place the halved potatoes in a tray that you have already greased with olive oil. peel them, then pour a little olive oil and salt on your potatoes. Set your oven to 200 degrees Celsius and place the tray of potatoes in your oven. After the potatoes are baked to the desired level, place them in a suitable serving tray and decorate it with caviar and sour cream at the end. Make your masterpiece more beautiful with a stalk of parsley (thin gold sheets).

Now this appetizer is ready and you can enjoy it with your loved ones.

If you are interested in beet, you can refer to the desired article to see Caviar and beet feed.


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About caviar shah

I am interested in seafood, especially caviar from Iran and the Caspian Sea, and I decided to introduce the best caviar to you. I hope you will be immersed in the luxurious taste of caviar to enter the unknown world of the pure taste of beluga, osetra, baeri and suvruga caviar with this heavenly taste.