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Iranian Osetra Caviar:

Osetra Caviar, which is also called Oscietra Caviar in the world markets, is considered by consumers to be the tastiest type of caviar and one of the most popular types of caviar in the world.

It's crucial to take the grade into account when Iranian Caviar. Normally, the color, size, and texture of osetra caviar are used to grade it.

Every time you wish to produce Osetra sturgeon caviar, you will be confronted with a number of well-known varieties that have distinctive flavors; as a result of this taste, your level of rigor in selecting caviar will significantly grow.


The taste of Oscietra Caviar is generally nutty and buttery, while the caviar seeds' hues range from dark black to light golden to nearly white. Osetra Caviar has a little harder, though still delicate, texture than other varieties of caviar.


Osetra sturgeons are mostly found in Iran's Caspian Sea, where Caviarshah LLC professionals choose them and use cutting-edge technology to transfer them to fields with crystal-clear spring water. Following translocation, osetra sturgeon are raised for a number of years using sustainable practices until they are old enough to produce high-quality roe. After that, the fish's roe is removed using traditional means or a caesarean section, processed, and salted.
Sturgeons take about 15 to 17 years to attain sexual maturity, but they can live for 70 or 80 years. Osetra sturgeons can weigh up to 400 pounds, while normally being smaller than beluga sturgeons. Experts have determined that the osetra sturgeon is what causes the changes in taste.


Therefore, Osetra Caviar acquires that flavor that fish eats, which may vary based on the time of year, weather, and other environmental factors.
Currently, CaviarShahLLC's Osetra Caviar has a mild nutty flavor and a mildly salty flavor with a very large grayish-black roe.

*There are different types of iranian Osetra Caviar, we introduce the types of Osetra Caviar below:
1-Classic Osetra caviar
2-Select Osetra caviar
3-Gold Osetra caviar
4-Platinum Osetra caviar

Features of Osetra Caviar:

Species: Acipenser Sturgeon
Country of origin: Iran-Caspian Sea
Color: bronze to deep gold
Taste: nutty, creamy
Pearl size: medium
Texture: almost firm